This summer marks Ann and Dan's Adventure #4 ( perhaps we'll get back to the other adventures along the way......)
THE HONOR RALLY RIDE......Follow us as we ride from Portland, Oregon to Washington, D.C. in August to attend the Restoring Honor Rally on the Washington Mall. Like-minded Americans will gather at the steps of the Lincoln memorial on 8-28-2010 to pay tribute to our military and remember our nation's founding principles of honor, integrity and truth.
Motorcycle Adventure #1
Ann & Dan in Colorado
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
More trip prep
Check out my two motorcycles.....First up: MY BABY! I call it my "HEADLONG-Bonny" or sometimes I call it "MY WICKED QUICK-Bonny" or sometimes I call it "BAD-ASS". Dan gave me this for my 50th birthday and had "headlong" written on the back fender. He says I'm headed headlong into my next 50 years. I love this bike!!! Tarran from Wicked Quick helped Dan to design it. Thanks, Tarran! My road bike is a Victory Vegas Low. I bought it in Vegas when my Honda Rebel blew the clutch after 5 weeks of following Dan's Triumph around the Rocky Mountains. I love my Victory, too, and it holds a LOT more "luggage" than Headlong does. Thanks to the guys at MotorCorsa in Portland for letting us sit on the Ducati's and try on all the Dainese clothes!
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