Motorcycle Adventure #1

Motorcycle Adventure #1
Ann & Dan in Colorado

Sunday, August 29, 2010

c'est fini.....THE RALLY

After twelve states, six presidential museums, twenty five days and 4560.7 miles we were bound and determined to get "good seats" at the rally...... so we slept from only midnight to 2 a.m. and headed down to the mall, spread our blanket amongst the sleeping patriots, and waited. Dan and our friend, Eric, took a walk up to the steps of the Lincoln memorial to view the sunrise (which was pretty anti-climatic as there was a low cloud ceiling at that point and the day just gradually grew stunning sun bursts).
Suffice it to say that it was an amazing event and there were MORE than just a few tens of thousands of people. The crowd was bigger than the 9-12 rally that we attended last year. Here is a little snippet of the rally.....

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