Motorcycle Adventure #1

Motorcycle Adventure #1
Ann & Dan in Colorado

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 18, Saturday's ride

Today we saw the world's largest 10 Commandments (that little pink dot in the middle of the archeway is me)..... right before we started the climb up into the mountains and rode along the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was a lot like riding the tail of the dragon, but with the curves spaced out a bit more.

There is a reason they are called the Smokey Mts. There wouldn't be any more smoke if they'd been on fire! But not on fire......drenched in humidity! The temperature was in the 80's but the wind-chill factor as we rode at 5000-6000 ft altitude was about 68 (we actually used our grip heaters). We pulled into Black Mountain, NC as the sun went down and were told that it had rained here all day. We didn't ride through ANY rain! YAY!
Also, included in these photos: the dam that Harrison Ford jumped off (ok, maybe it was a stuntman.....or just a dummy) in the movie "The Fugitive." Also, a photo of a store we stopped in because we had been passing signs that read "boiled peanuts" and it was making Dan hungry. We bought some peach-brandy jelly.
all for now......

1 comment:

  1. Loving that I can keep up with you guys. Seems the Vollums (entire family) is all over the place. Miss you guys.
