Motorcycle Adventure #1

Motorcycle Adventure #1
Ann & Dan in Colorado

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 12- The Freedom Rock

It's funny how things work out.... If the bridge hadn't been out on hwy 92 we wouldn't have had to take the detour. And then we wouldn't have had to go through Anita, Iowa. And then we wouldn't have seen the sign on the biker bar that said, "bring your asses on in." And then we wouldn't have met the bartender at Huffy's Mule Barn who told us about the Freedom Rock. And we would have missed it.....and that would have been a shame because it was a sight to see.

Take the Greenville, Iowa exit off of hwy 80 and go south about 1 mile. Ray (Bubba) Sorensen II paints the rock with a different scene every year to honor our veterans.


  1. wow. you are getting really good at the video editing! i am so proud.

    oh and the rock is really cool too. :)

  2. my college roommate for 2 years from anita, iowa.
