Motorcycle Adventure #1

Motorcycle Adventure #1
Ann & Dan in Colorado

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 7 Tuesday

I asked at the coffee shop, "Is it pronounced DU-BOY? or DU BOYS?" And practically everyone there said, in unison, "DUBOYS!!!" So after all these years, I stand corrected.
We keep trying to focus our trip on RESTORING HONOR. And we came across a story in DuBois about a local young man named Chance Phelps. Perhaps you have heard of him. There was a movie made about him with Kevin Bacon called "Taking Chance." He was a US Marine killed in the line of duty in Iraq in 2004 at the age of 20. He was wounded when his convoy came under attack and he chose to stay in the battle using his machine gun to cover the retreat of his comrades. Another hero, like John from Boise.

Although two people in town told us "you can't miss it" when we asked directions to the cemetery, we drove around and around in an effort to pay our respects to this fallen hero. By the time it was noon and we STILL had not found it, we gave up. But if anyone is interested, the Chance Phelps Foundation is having a fund raiser THIS weekend! ON the 20th of August, the Bacon Brothers (Kevin Bacon and his brother, Michael) are playing a concert there in DuBois. The Foundation is trying to raise enough money to purchase a dude ranch there in town for a retreat for military families. What a great way to honor Chance!

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